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Looking for a mortgage advisor opportunity?

See how our support can help you succeed
Build a brighter future

Not your standard self-employed mortgage broker roles…

Occupational satisfaction is key to that elusive yet essential work/life balance – which is why our self-employed mortgage broker roles aren’t really jobs, but opportunities to carve out an even bigger, better career with expert guidance and support at every stage.

You’ll be your own boss, while benefitting from expert support, training and mentoring from genuine experts who want you to succeed. Plus you’ll have the backing of HL Partnership, one of the leading protection and comprehensive mortgage networks in the UK.

By taking advantage of our self-employed mortgage broker opportunities, you’ll have more freedom and flexibility, while receiving comprehensive development, superb commission packages and a guarantee that any clients you bring into the fold are yours and yours alone.

Advance your mortgage advisor career

From a full induction to dedicated, ongoing training, we’re committed to helping you build a successful future and achieve your goals – providing you with personal, professional and business development support every step along the way.

Self-employed, but with spectacular support

In addition to sharing our technical and product knowledge, we’ll also ensure you’re always up-to-date with the changing mortgage and protection regulatory landscape, and completely compliant so you can keep your risk low, while you continue to grow.

Superb support

Why work with us?

Mortgage broker exclusives

Our self-employed mortgage brokers have exclusive access to loads of great deals, plus a wide range of expert products such as equity release, buy-to-let and retirement interest-only mortgages.*

Ready-made relationships

With our established (and pretty awesome) network, we can link you up with a range of introducer partners to support you as you find your feet and start to flourish in your new self-employed role.

Market-leading technology

Our leading tech solutions include 360 Dotnet, Twenty7Tec and iPipeline – helping you to work efficiently and securely, with click + submit applications, integrated sourcing and much more.

* This service is offered by referral to a third party.
With you every step

Seven more reasons to consider our self-employed mortgage broker roles

If you’re looking for a better work/life balance, our self-employed opportunities could be the gear change you need to start this exciting journey.

Need a few more reasons to consider joining the Cox & Flight family? Here you go…

  1. A carefully created best practice framework to start you out on the firmest footing
  2. Leadership and business development training and one-to-one mentoring sessions to help you realise your full potential
  3. Competitive commission on provided appointments – not just your own self-generated business
  4. Administration support to give you the freedom to focus on your clients and business growth
  5. Easy, intuitive online booking and management system
  6. Software facility for client documentation uploads and pre-appointment information submission for a more efficient process
  7. Ongoing support to help you explore opportunities to grow your own team

All enquiries into our self-employed mortgage broker roles and opportunities will be treated in the strictest confidence – so why not drop us a line to arrange an informal chat… it could be your first step to a brighter future.

Ready to find out more?

We’d love to hear from you – please call Simon on 07968 934331,
or Scot on 07899 087514 for a friendly, informal chat.

Contact Us

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