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Giving something back

Growing A Greener Future- Together

When Simon and Scot decided to combine their decades of experience and create Cox & Flight, one of the first things they committed to was to put aside a percentage of their annual profits towards business charity donations. They also believe in making a difference and creating a positive impact on our environment.

That’s why we’ve proudly adopted the Love Leeds Parks tree planting campaign, as our Charity Of The Year.

LLP Logo
Tree Planting

Why we’re passionate about planting more trees

Trees play an essential role in fighting climate change. For example:

  • They absorb carbon
  • Reduce the impact of adverse weather events, such as high temperatures and flooding
  • Provide homes for wildlife
  • Remove pollution from the air
  • Beautify urban areas.

Leeds Parks aims to plant 5.8 million trees in the next 25 years to help achieve its goal of becoming a carbon neutral city.

Planting so many trees is a huge challenge which we are playing our part in by fundraising for the ambitious Leeds City Council led Woodland Creation scheme, based at The Arium, Leeds’ plant nursery where the trees are grown from seed.

The Tree planting campaign Info pack from the woodland creation team can be found here.

Using our business charity donations to help

We will be making a donation for every mortgage application that our clients complete.

This will be used to plant trees and ensure they are cared for over the next five years.

And we are not stopping there!

Our next goal is to help create a new woodland, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

Every mortgage arranged with us is now a step towards a greener, healthier landscape.

So, if you or some-one you know is considering their mortgage options, we’d love to help - not only with our expert mortgage advice but also by planting the seeds for a better tomorrow.